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Monday, October 19, 2015

ONGC, Rajasthan Forward Base 2015

 ONGC, Rajasthan Forward Base 2015_ONGC, Rajasthan Forward Base , Jodhpur (Frontier
Basin)invites applications from young and energetic Indian citizens for selection to the under mentioned posts with requisite essential qualification(s) and valid
Registration (of Name) in any of the Employment Exchanges located within the State of Rajasthan i.e.Candidate’s Name and qualifications must be registered in the Employment Exchange on or before closing date of online registration process. The Employment Exchange Registration Card should be valid during the online registration process, written test and interview.

Name of post: Jr Asst Technician, Asst, Supervisor

No of post: 09 posts

Qualification : X Class, Inter, Any Degree, PG in Chemistry

Last date:  06/11/2015

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