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Monday, October 22, 2012

Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited, Jabalpur Requirement 2012

Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited, Jabalpur

Post : Junior Engineer, Office Assistant, Programmer, Law Officer and HR Manager

Total Post : 208

• Minimum 65% marks should be obtained in qualifying examination from a recognized University
and 55% for SC/ST/HC category candidate of Madhya Pradesh State for the post at Sl. No. 1,2,3
& 4. However, for the post of Office Assistant, minimum qualifying marks shall be 60% for
unreserved/OBC and 50% for SC/ST/HC category candidate.

Selection process :
A suitably devised written test at Jabalpur shall be organized for the post of 1,2 3, & 5. For the post at Sl. No. 5 a skill test shall also be organized at Jabalpur. The selection process for these posts shall be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course and the same shall be uploaded in MPPTCL website also. As far as selection for the post of Junior Engineer (Sl.No.-4) is concerned, it is indicated here that the preliminary merit list shall be prepared based on the marks obtained by the candidates in qualifying examination as advertised for the post. The short listed candidates shall undergo personal interview at Jabalpur.

How to apply :
1. The prescribed application format may be downloaded as indicated hereunder. The completed application with copies of the required certificates of qualifications/cast/experience/MP domicile/handicapped certificate etc. shall be submitted to Post Bag No-05, New Delhi - 110003 through ordinary post on or before 09.11.2012. Candidates belonging to Unreserved/OBC category shall be required to enclose Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- towards application fees & incidental charges, while the MP domicile candidates belonging to SC/ST & handicapped category, shall be required to submit a Demand Draft of Rs. 250/- only towards incidental charges. The demand draft should be drawn in favour of Regional Accounts Officer, MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd. Jabalpur. Applications received after due date shall not be accepted and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. MPPTCL shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
2. The candidate must indicate the name of post applied/category on the top of the envelope in capital letters and his/her name and address on the left bottom side of envelope
(Sender’s address).

Last Date : 09 November 2012

For More Information / Detailed Advertisement and Application Form Click here 


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